nature trail

美 [ˈneɪtʃər treɪl]英 [ˈneɪtʃə treɪl]
  • n.观景小径

复数: nature trails

nature trailnature trail


a path through countryside which you can follow in order to see the interesting plants and animals that are found there

nature trail


  • 1
    N-COUNT (乡村的)观景小径,自然小径
    A nature trail is a route through an area of countryside which has signs drawing attention to interesting animals, plants, or rocks.

  1. If you don 't want to lounge on the beach , you can go on a guided walk along the nature trail .


  2. A nature trail through the woods .


  3. A short nature trail overhung with verdant , sweetly scented vegetation circles past cascading Kahuna Falls and the astonishing Akaka Falls .


  4. Go to the park , walk on a nature trail , clear your thoughts , listen to the sounds of the forest , and be in awe of the beauty that 's right in front of you . 3 .
